Gamers for Christ


New Addition to GFC! - Posted by: Andrew on September 5, 2003 10:15:40 AM
New Year, etc ... - Posted by: Andrew on January 22, 2002 4:14:19 PM
Proverbs Study - Posted by: Andrew on October 21, 2001 5:27:27 PM
WTC - Posted by: Andrew on September 12, 2001 5:48:47 PM
Scripture of the Day Search - Posted by: Andrew on August 22, 2001 3:42:20 PM
Music Reviews - Posted by: Andrew on August 15, 2001 11:41:59 PM
Teachings page finished. - Posted by: Andrew on August 11, 2001 1:04:48 AM
More good news! - Posted by: Andrew on August 2, 2001 8:19:19 AM
Scripture of the Day up!! - Posted by: Andrew on July 30, 2001 10:01:31 PM
Welcome! - Posted by: Andrew on May 9, 2001 1:37:39 PM

 New Addition to GFC!
September 5, 2003 10:15:40 AM
Just wanted to let you all know we've got another addition to the GFC staff bringing the grand total to ... 2.

Robert aka MC inBigD is going to be helping me update the site as well as finding new things to add and possibly getting a new look going. He's really been a Godsend, as I don't really have much time anymore to work on the site.


 New Year, etc ...
January 22, 2002 4:14:19 PM
Hey everybody.

Well, it's a little late to wish everyone a Happy New Year, but I guess late is better than not at all. I hope you all had a great time over the holidays visiting friends and family or whatever else you did.

Here at everything is going just as it was before. Scripture of the Day emails are still being sent out and we now have 51 people on the list!! If you haven't yet added your name, submit it on the left and you will be added. Sorry for the occasional missed day the past few weeks. As you know I've been on vacation for 6 weeks and so have had a tough time getting them out each day. Thanks to my mom and Christine for helping me out with that.

That's all the news for now. Keep "pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus." Grace be with you. I love you all in Christ Jesus.


 Proverbs Study
October 21, 2001 5:27:27 PM
I just finished a fairly comprehensive study on the book of Proverbs, so I thought I'd post it on here so everyone could benefit as much as I did from completing it. It makes it really easy to understand how you want to act in order to get the results in your life you want to get.

Enjoy it. God bless you.


September 12, 2001 5:48:47 PM
In light of the recent abhorant events, I would ask that everyone remember to pray for the victims and their families and friends as well as everyone else affected. As well as prayer, donating blood is very needed and something that's very easy to do. Right now there are a lot of people donating and they have an excess, but in the next couple of weeks they are going to need it just as badly as they do now.

I pray for all of you and this great nation. May God bless our family, our friends, and our lives. We are and will always be Americans.

 Scripture of the Day Search
August 22, 2001 3:42:20 PM
I just finished scripting the search engine for the Scriptures of the Day. If you go to the Scripture of the Day for today and click on the link, you can search through past Scriptures. As I only enter the devotionals a few at a time just to keep ahead of the current date so I don't have to enter 365 at one time, not all dates are available. The Scriptures for July 29 through today's date should be available.

Thank you!

 Music Reviews
August 15, 2001 11:41:59 PM
I am currently working on setting up a page to have reviews of the most popular Christian and Non-Christian CDs. The page itself should be ready to go shortly, save one slight problem: I have no one to do the reviews. So, if you listen to a lot of music and know a little bit about the current popular groups and would like to help in this way please email me and let me know.

There will be no requirement for any type of computer skills to do the reviews; it will be a simple form you fill out. So if you can write the email to me to tell me you want to do it, I'm sure you will be able to figure out the form.

Too, on that note, I am thinking of doing book reviews. Can be any type of book from a thrilling action novel you read to the book your youth group is using for their study sessions. So if you'd be interested in doing that also email me.

 Teachings page finished.
August 11, 2001 1:04:48 AM
I have finished scripting the Teachings page. Now you can go there and sort the teachings by author, catagory, teaching name or audience. As you can see there are only a few teachings right now. If you have anything you think other people might enjoy reading please click on the link and send it in. Anything from inspirational messages to teachings for use in a local fellowship would be greatly appreciated. Whether you wrote them or not please send them in.

Thanks a lot everyone. God bless you today.

 More good news!
August 2, 2001 8:19:19 AM
I have finished the scripting for the Member and Believer add name pages. If you would like to be listed on either of those pages, go to the respective page and click on the link to add yourself.

Thank you so much.

 Scripture of the Day up!!
July 30, 2001 10:01:31 PM
I am happy to announce that the Scripture of the Day scripting has been completed. Enter your email into the text box on the left and receive a devotional in your inbox each day. Please report any bugs to

Thank you for your continued support!

May 9, 2001 1:37:39 PM
Welcome to the Gamers for Christ website. This site is dedicated to furthering the Word of God through the Internet and being a witness to others through internet games.

Although we are a gamers club who found each other on playing Rainbow6, the site is not dedicated as much to promoting the club as it is to spreading the good news of the gospel of Christ. Even if you do not play any internet games at all you will find our site useful and, I hope, it will bless you.

Use the navigation bar on the left to browse the site. This site is still in the works. If there are any typos or other mistakes or if you have any questions/comments feel free to email me.

God Bless You

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