Type of
Type of person |
Behavior |
Proverb |
Discerning |
Wisdom Seeks knowledge Impressed by rebuke |
Fears the Lord |
Hate evil, pride,
arrogance, evil behavior, perverse speech Walk is upright |
14:2 |
Fool |
Undisciplined, without
knowledge His own way seems
right Shows his annoyance at
once Spurns discipline Delights in airing his
own opinion Gives full vent to his
anger |
15:5 18:2 29:11 |
Loves knowledge |
Loves discipline Uses words with
restraint |
12:1 |
Patient |
Calms a quarrel |
Prudent |
Overlooks and insult Keeps his knowledge to
himself Give thought to their
ways Heeds correction Sees danger then takes
cover |
14:8 15:5 22:3 27:12 |
Righteous |
Mouth is fountain of
life Lips nourish Mouth speaks wisdom Plans are just A guide to his
neighbor Hates what is false Light shines brightly Weighs his answers Doesn’t give way to
the wicked |
12:5 13:5 13:9 25:26 |
Scoundrel, villain,
wicked |
Corrupt mouth Perverse mouth |
Understanding |
Holds his tongue Keeps a straight
course Even tempered Maintains order |
28:2 |
Upright |
Make amends for sin |
14:9 |
Wise |
Lips speak what is
right, true; lips detest wickedness; all the words of mouth are just, none are
crooked or perverse Accept commands Store up knowledge Holds his tongue Listens to advice Tongue brings healing Walks with the wise Fears the Lord and
suns evil Brings joy to his
father Patient Glory to overlook and
offense Keeps himself under
control |
8:6-8 10:8 13:1 29:11 |